Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pop Fashion Scoop

For Gaga fashion?

Pop princess of 23 years, Lady Gaga and her particularly bizarre fashion fads grab the world’s attention every time she steps into the limelight. Her often fashion choices keeps us in deep suspense, waiting for her next appearance.

I’m sure we have all seen Gaga’s outrageous styles, so there is no need to go through them. I mean after all there are way too many to even count. This vibrant young ladies fashion is certainly an art and there is no telling what she’ll do next. Gagas’ fashion style is ahead of the fashion curve and believe it or not she is setting trends with out us even being aware of it. In other words Gaga is an innovator and we actually, secretly enjoy her theatrical appearances.
Gaga incorporates her music into her fashion, making it all come together, with it becoming one big performance. You might not think it but there is a lot of thought put into these costumes Lady Gaga presents. Haus of Gaga is her own creative production team who creates many of her clothes, costumes, props and wigs. This strange pop star isn’t stopping anytime soon either.
To be honest, I am for Gaga’s new style inventions. I can’t wait to see what is coming next and I do feel there are reasons for the things she puts on. It’s amazing what she comes up with and for that she has earned my respects.

Will she go too far?

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