Sunday, November 7, 2010

Upcoming designers

Keep your eyes on 21 year old Cleo Droomer who has won a few awards these past recent years. These awards include The Vodacom July Young Designer award at the Durban July hosted in Durban on the 4th of July 2009. As well as the ELLE New Talent Award at the South African fashion week, 29 September 2010.
This young man is galloping down the right road bringing along his wonderful talent and blowing us away. I’ve got a feeling he is only going to get bigger.

Street walk Fashion

         Melrose arch, 31/10/2010                                                                          Melrose arch, 31/10/2010

           Melrose arch, 7/11/2010                                                            Melrose arch, 7/11/2010

Melrose arch, 7/11/2010

HOT & NOT make tips

 Ladies go for a more natural glowing skin this summer, it is always the best idea.
It’s simple and looks lovely with out the effects of looking like a clown or having others talk behind your back how they could just scrape the make up right off your face.

 Simple and plain is always gorgeous, don’t over do blush, eyeliner and lipstick. You begin to look trashy and remember ladies, finding the right base tone is highly important.
No body wants to look like a walking corps.
"Fellow lady bloggers, looking for that something hot to be seen in this December vacation?"
Be sure to grab yourself a pair of short, shorts and tank top vest. Don’t be afraid to show what you got. You can pull it off, from waist high to hipsters... It’s all fabulous!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Photographer Terry Richardson

Terry Richardson’s photography work displays the beauty of the human body. with model Evan Rachel Wood featured in the GQ Magazine. The American fashion photographer exposes the human bodice in ways and visuals that make people feel that their bodies are all different shapes and sizes and that your body is sexy and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.

Some of Terry’s work is graphic and exposes more than just a bit of flesh, He allows his camera to capture the sex appeal of the body or the person be photographed, and bringing out the intenseness and passion of the moment in the photo. Making viewers feel attractive.
In some photo’s Terry Richardson’s work their is a raunchy side brought out of the model/s but the way in which it’s captured, is fun and colorful, and is still done in a well mannered way that respects the body and shows it as a statue to be worshiped and respected.

The masculine, dominance of the male body, compared to the pure beauty and femininity of the female body reminds viewers we are all animals and it is only natural to flaunt what you have and love how you look.

Pop Fashion Scoop

For Gaga fashion?

Pop princess of 23 years, Lady Gaga and her particularly bizarre fashion fads grab the world’s attention every time she steps into the limelight. Her often fashion choices keeps us in deep suspense, waiting for her next appearance.

I’m sure we have all seen Gaga’s outrageous styles, so there is no need to go through them. I mean after all there are way too many to even count. This vibrant young ladies fashion is certainly an art and there is no telling what she’ll do next. Gagas’ fashion style is ahead of the fashion curve and believe it or not she is setting trends with out us even being aware of it. In other words Gaga is an innovator and we actually, secretly enjoy her theatrical appearances.
Gaga incorporates her music into her fashion, making it all come together, with it becoming one big performance. You might not think it but there is a lot of thought put into these costumes Lady Gaga presents. Haus of Gaga is her own creative production team who creates many of her clothes, costumes, props and wigs. This strange pop star isn’t stopping anytime soon either.
To be honest, I am for Gaga’s new style inventions. I can’t wait to see what is coming next and I do feel there are reasons for the things she puts on. It’s amazing what she comes up with and for that she has earned my respects.

Will she go too far?

Celvin Klien catwalk report - 2011 Spring collection

Simplistic, sophisticated silk graced the Runway with a refreshed white demonstration of garments on the approach to “less is more.’”

Confident models displayed their femininity and beauty with lose tied back ponies, chiffon buns, and natural glowing skin. As they briskly strutted down the catwalk, with a show of architectural silhouettes of the women’s working class of clothing, which ranged from, mid-half dresses to just above the ankle
And although some dresses covered most of the bodice from neck-wrists-ankles, sending viewers back into a time were similar clothing was worn by nun’s and the church days. Yet the garments still manage to over power that impression and portray its sheik and sassy design.

Weather it be an evening dress, working clothes or the everyday garment, Fransisco was able to capture the exact definition of “less is more” and portray his outlook on the idea of “less is more” and share it with the audience.

The Calvin Klein 2011 Spring collection was the precise definition of less is more, leaving the ladies feeling like they can still look great even with less. And it can be done in classy style.